A Partial Brag Book

Clients hire PR practitioners to help them gain visibility in a busy marketplace. Target media outlets vary by client, but it’s helpful to know where some of our clients have recently landed.

What appears here is a sampling of stories and outlets. It’s by no means comprehensive!

It’s important to note that in addition to working with the editorial and production staffs of these outlets, it’s also critical to have relationships with the hundreds of freelance journalists, producers, photographers and videographers who are interested in travel-related stories.
At MBPR, we’ve spent years cultivating those relationships.


Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Alabama Bushwacker

Originally created in the US Virgin Islands in 1975, »»More


See These Unique Christmas Tree Displays

Within the downtown historic district of Cumberland, which recently reopened after »»More

FOX News

Amazing Fall Mountain Towns for Family Fun

Billed as “The Mountain Side of Maryland,” this area allows »»More


Where To Go In Southeast Louisiana (That Isn’t New Orleans)

As much as I love The Big »»More


5 Fall Foliage Mountain Destinations for Prime Leaf-Peeping

Shenandoah County features an assortment of parks, the George »»More